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How to Apply Your Commitments to Services

Tuition Assistance | Key word

In this training article, we will cover how to apply tuition assistance to services or enrollment. We have already entered the provider and the commitment to tuition assistance, now we will need to add it to the child. There are two ways to apply assistance. The first way we are going to walk through is if you have not already enrolled a child into a program. To apply assistance to the child's enrollment, you will need to go to the child's profile. When you get to the child's profile, if you have not already enrolled a child into a program, you will need to enroll a child in a program. You will go to add services, and enroll in a program. When you click enroll in a program a modal will come up for you to select the program. When you have selected the program, you will then be prompted to enter the days and hours the child is expected to be in attendance along with the start date, then you will click review. 

1. When you click on review after you have entered, hours, days, and start date, you will add in the assistance. You will click on manage applications. Then you will click on add application.

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2. Then you will have to add in the amount for weekly tuition what will be paid. In the case shown below, we did a monthly amount of $500 the assistance is paying. If it is monthly and you charge a weekly rate, you will divide it into 4 weeks. As another example, If you had a daily amount set and billed weekly, you would need to multiply the daily amount by the number of days the child would attend.

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3. When you have added your weekly amount that the assistance will pay, you will click the add button. Then the modal will let you review this to ensure accuracy. Then you will click save changes. 

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4. After you have saved changes, you will be prompted back to the review screen, you will see the assistance added. You will then select enroll. 

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Please Note: After you have enrolled, you will see the assistance has been added. Under services and enrollment, you will see the little hand with a heart icon. That icon symbolizes the use of tuition assistance. If you go into the money tab on the child's profile and then under current services. If you click on a week, you will see a drop down. This will show you a break down of what the tuition assistance pays and what the family pays. 

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  • Tuition Assistance- Providers Basics
  • Tuition Assistance- Commitment Basics