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How to Update a Child's Enrollment Information

Key word | Key word

In this training article, we will cover how to update a child’s enrollment. This will be helpful if there is a change in enrollment, whether it be hours changing, or the number of days changing.

1. You will open the child’s profile and under enrollments and recurring visits there is the 3 dots. When you click on the 3 dots, a menu will drop down. You are going to click on update. 

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2. Once you have clicked on update a modal will pop up. This is where you can update hours and days. When you have updated the information, you will click update. Make sure you set a different date for the changes to take place if you do not want them to apply starting the next week. This box will default to the next Sunday.

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3. After you update the information, you will see that the enrollment will change.  

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