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How to Apply Assistance Changes for Holidays and Absences

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In this training article, we will cover how to apply for assistance changes for absences and holidays. In many cases, assistance does not pay for days absent from the center, they also do not pay for holidays. If you charge weekly for your program, then you would need to go in and manually change the copay for the families, as it would be their responsibility to pay for the day they are absent. How you would go about putting in the charge is you would either need to know your daily charge or you would divide your weekly charge by 5 to get the daily charge. There are a couple ways you can access this.

1. This first is on the child's profile directly in the current services area. You can find the service and click on the 3-dot action menu and select Add Assistance Adjustment

2. This method will only work if the service that you wish to edit is within the last week or the current week. Anything further than that can only be accessed in the child's services section. To go there, click the Money tab choose the services sub-tab. Under services you will select the week you will need to add the adjusted charge to. 

3. When you get to services you will click the 3 dot menu and select add assistance adjustment. When you click on, add assistance adjustment. A modal will come up. 

4. On the adjustment type, you can choose from either holiday, absence, or other. You will enter in the amount, then who is being paid by you can choose either family, provider, or center. Once completed, click save. After you have saved, you will see that the tuition assistance amount has lowered in the amount they are paying.