Due Now and Past Due
Kew word | Kew word
In this article we will go over the differences in Due Now and Past Due.
In this article you will learn about the following:
- What is Due Now
- What is Past Due
- Unpaid Report
Due Now and Past Due on Unpaid Services
If you are using a custom Due Date for Services, you’ll notice a new section on your Dashboard and Unpaid reports.
Items appear in the “Now Due” column between the due date you’ve specified in your my center settings and the service start date, and items move to “Past Due” after both dates have passed.
You have the ability to display all unpaid, all past due, and now due directly on your dashboard. To select one of these options click on the unpaid pink box on your dash board and click on the box located next to the export button on the top right hand side of your screen. Select the option you want to display and click on it.
To access your Unpaid Services report, click on your reports button in your left side menu, select finances, or if you have it starred under favorites, select it on the top of the reports page. Once you click the report to open it you can see the same option to view all unpaid, all past due, and now due using the same steps listed above.

To have your center use the now due by moving up the due date of services, use the setting under billing and payments in your Center Settings to set how many days ahead you would like families to have the now due set.