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I want to enroll a child on mobile

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I Want to Enroll a Child on Mobile

To enroll a child on a mobile, you will go to the children's list and find the child you wish to enroll. You can use the search bar to  find the child quickly.

1. Go into the child's profile and scroll down to the bookings section where you see a blue add button to the right of it and click on this.

2. Select the enroll in program option

3. Select the program you wish to enroll a child in.

4. Enter in the info about the child's enrollment including their days and hours, the start date of the enrollment and any charges or credits you wish to apply. If the child has a home class already, this will be filled in already. Once finished, click review

5. Review your information and make sure everything is correct. If you wish to prorate an enrollment that starts mid week, you may do so here. If the child already has assistance commitments set up, you may also apply them to the enrollment.

6. Once finished, you may click enroll and approve right away. If you wish to request and review later or place on the waitlist, use those buttons instead of the enroll button. You will be redirected back to the child's profile page.

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